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The general information point is registered at Muze’um L / Belgium
The first realization on the LIGHTMERIDIAN E 3°7’45” is an architecture integrated in the landscape: no higher than people measure : 1.80 m / with a solar light slit

Notice above the LIGHTMERIDIAN, worked out as clover line (top) and as ‘green floating light line’ (below) on both hill sides / on the south side the sun heats the 30 m-diameter amphitheatre air photography by simon perneel - be // greenbuilding projects (more)

Notice above the LIGHTMERIDIAN, worked out as clover line (top) and as ‘green floating light line’ (below) on both hill sides / on the south side the sun heats the 30 m-diameter amphitheatre
air photography by simon perneel - be // greenbuilding projects (more)

Schermafbeelding 2021-05-02 om 11.43.11.png

Real noon at INFO POINT

A longitudinal cleft runs through a white rectangular building.
This slit through walls and ceiling designs perpendicular a light line on the ground and walls at the sun’s apogee (real noon at this 3°7’45” E) : this phenomenon is repeated daily throughout the year. All municipalities on these line have the same hour, minute and second.


photo: AF fotografie

Schermafbeelding 2016-01-20 om 15.41.37.png

An agricultural line

On the northern side on ‘the hill ‘zilverberg’ white clover has been sawed on a 100 m passage: the passage is exactly consistent with the LIGHTMERIDIAN.
Such agricultural interventions are easily possible on other venues on the LIGHTMERIDIAN

Schermafbeelding 2016-01-20 om 15.41.02.png

Landmark on the LIGHTMERIDIAN

Proposal of Jean-Pierre Galeyn / be
This simple form, inspired by a child design, is efficient as landmark on the LIGHTMERIDIAN / Robust and secure with a large efficient screw in rural soil. / It is real noon when the shadow of the construction lies exactly in the extension of the landmark itself.


The INFO POINT is located at the Muze'um L
Bergstreet 23
8800 Roeselare / Belgium